Bring Him to HSX

MovieStock Changes for May 18, 2022

MovieStock Info Date
13LIVRelease: Nov 18, 2022 → August 2022 May 18, 2022
13LIVDistributor: MGM → Amazon May 18, 2022
BEBAIPO May 18, 2022
BEBATitle: Beba May 18, 2022
BEBARelease: Jun 24, 2022 May 18, 2022
BEBADistributor: Neon May 18, 2022
BEBAPhase: Wrap May 18, 2022
BPNT2Phase: Production → Wrap May 18, 2022
BULTRRelease: Jul 29, 2022 → Aug 5, 2022 May 18, 2022
CATCBRelease: n/a → Sep 23, 2022 May 18, 2022
CCRSRelease: n/a → Jun 17, 2022 May 18, 2022
DRVAWIPO May 18, 2022
DRVAWTitle: Drive-Away aka Untitled Road Trip Project May 18, 2022
DRVAWRelease: n/a May 18, 2022
DRVAWDistributor: Focus Features May 18, 2022
DRVAWPhase: Development May 18, 2022
EMLYDistributor: n/a → Bleecker Street May 18, 2022
ESCFSTitle: Spiderhead aka Escape From Spiderhead → Spiderhead May 18, 2022
FMLYCPhase: Wrap → Release May 18, 2022
FRSTRPhase: Wrap → Release May 18, 2022
GLULGRelease: Jun 17, 2022 → n/a May 18, 2022
GVRNSIPO May 18, 2022
GVRNSTitle: The Governesses May 18, 2022
GVRNSRelease: n/a May 18, 2022
GVRNSDistributor: n/a May 18, 2022
GVRNSPhase: Development May 18, 2022
HUSLEIPO May 18, 2022
HUSLETitle: Hustle May 18, 2022
HUSLERelease: Jun 3, 2022 May 18, 2022
HUSLEDistributor: n/a May 18, 2022
HUSLEPhase: Wrap May 18, 2022
ILSASPhase: Production → Wrap May 18, 2022
JLLTMIPO May 18, 2022
JLLTMTitle: Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind May 18, 2022
JLLTMRelease: n/a May 18, 2022
JLLTMDistributor: n/a May 18, 2022
JLLTMPhase: Wrap May 18, 2022
JSREVPhase: Development → Production May 18, 2022
LUCKPhase: Production → Wrap May 18, 2022
MONTAPhase: Wrap → Release May 18, 2022
MUERTIPO May 18, 2022
MUERTTitle: EL Muerto May 18, 2022
MUERTRelease: Jan 12, 2024 May 18, 2022
MUERTDistributor: Sony May 18, 2022
MUERTPhase: Development May 18, 2022
PIGGYIPO May 18, 2022
PIGGYTitle: Piggy May 18, 2022
PIGGYRelease: n/a May 18, 2022
PIGGYDistributor: Magnolia May 18, 2022
PIGGYPhase: Wrap May 18, 2022
POOLMPhase: Development → Production May 18, 2022
PRED5Title: Prey aka Predator 5 aka Skulls → Prey aka Predator 5 May 18, 2022
PRTPRRelease: n/a → Aug 26, 2022 May 18, 2022
SAMTNDistributor: MGM → Amazon May 18, 2022
SAW10IPO May 18, 2022
SAW10Title: Saw X May 18, 2022
SAW10Release: n/a May 18, 2022
SAW10Distributor: Lionsgate May 18, 2022
SAW10Phase: Development May 18, 2022
SLNITPhase: Production → Wrap May 18, 2022
SPMERRelease: n/a → Aug 19, 2022 May 18, 2022
TBITBPhase: Development → Production May 18, 2022
TSOTHDistributor: Paramount → n/a May 18, 2022
TUTORIPO May 18, 2022
TUTORTitle: The Tutor May 18, 2022
TUTORRelease: n/a May 18, 2022
TUTORDistributor: n/a May 18, 2022
TUTORPhase: Production May 18, 2022
WHTIFDistributor: MGM → Amazon May 18, 2022