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MovieStock Shares Held Long

(Sep 4, 2024)
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MovieStock Title Shares
SWVNG Sweet Vengeance 6,294,032
PSYKL Psycho Killer 6,288,069
TOW Tow 6,205,120
VIAGR Boner aka Rise 6,175,563
CIGAW Can I Get a Witness 6,166,134
GRTSD Greatest Days 6,085,015
ROBPC Rob Peace 6,077,014
WCLIQ Widow Clicquot 6,060,595
YGBLV You Gotta Believe 6,033,950
VLNT1 Valiant One 5,860,856
HOPE Hope 5,853,019
WLCM3 Welcome to the Jungle 5,768,905
PLUCK The Luckiest Man in America aka Press Your Luck 5,644,119
FLOW Flow 5,637,642
LOCHI The Legend of Ochi 5,599,466
FNCYD Fancy Dance 5,575,038
NANTM National Anthem 5,549,931
AUDRC Audrey’s Children 5,503,326
RBTRP Rabbit Trap 5,411,723
HCANA Hurricanna 5,402,058
SENIR The Senior 5,374,186
THEAX The Ax 5,352,229
QUBON Queen of Bones 5,320,996
SKNCR Skincare 5,251,585
MLOMP The Magnificent Life of Marcel Pagnol 5,250,563
WSSOF Winter Spring Summer or Fall 5,205,638
THSWF The Housewife 5,186,129
KENSK Kensuke's Kingdom 5,181,939
MILRS Millers in Marriage 5,128,387
FMSB Father Mother Sister Brother 5,099,471
OLTSK OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom 5,097,024
MCOUC Mother, Couch 5,042,287
WINNR Winner 4,996,415
HIS3D His Three Daughters 4,813,095
HEDAG Hedda Gabler 4,812,245
JUSTC Justice 4,788,650
KIVRY King Ivory 4,750,310
HAMET Hamlet 4,711,068
TNEWB The New Boy 4,663,434
MRCIV Merchant Ivory 4,614,560
TRDRM Train Dreams 4,609,578
EURKA Eureka 4,523,262
ALOFU All of You 4,468,351
ODESA O'Dessa 4,360,228
CLIMB The Climb 4,311,425
XHBTF Exhibiting Forgiveness 4,275,231
KMOON The Real Me: Keith Moon 4,274,493
DDDAN Dan Da Dan 4,259,957
KLRHT Killer Heat 4,249,744
GDSCN God's Country 4,226,374
CHSNT Chestnut 4,166,082
TECUT The Cut 4,072,217
FACKH Fackham Hall 4,063,984
HISND The History Of Sound 4,030,033
CHKRM Christmas Karma 4,021,392
MOASN Memoir of a Snail 3,953,007
STKBB Stockholm Bloodbath 3,932,209
COUP Coup! 3,911,448
NEWAV New Wave aka Nouvelle Vague 3,896,983
ITSUM In the Summers 3,856,172
TOWWI Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In 3,841,871
JSPHN Josephine 3,803,077
SENTV Sentimental Value 3,802,245
7VEIL Seven Veils 3,795,131
EJNTL Elton John: Never Too Late 3,754,066
EMPWS Empire Waist 3,697,448
SISII Sisi & I 3,578,957
CLOSU Close to You 3,553,557
CNCRG The Concierge 3,544,061
CHORL The Choral 3,499,633
SNGH3 Singham Again 3,459,753
KPOPS K-Pops! 3,442,711
IWYAB I Wish You All the Best 3,282,679
PRTNP Parthenope 3,225,812
BRTDW Bring Them Down 3,197,158
TGNTH The Giant's House 3,028,147
JAZZY Jazzy 3,022,420
WTHWT Worth the Wait 3,011,111
ILBOS I Love Boosters 2,969,454
CNVRT The Convert 2,951,638
TBWIN The Beast Within 2,930,364
HCAPF Happy Clothes: A Film About Patricia Field 2,909,138
STRVE Starve Acre 2,878,630
PNGLS The Penguin Lessons 2,842,130
AMBRN America's Burning 2,767,843
GRNIT Green Night 2,745,657
NHTNC Inheritance 2,670,181
SECAC The Second Act 2,567,801
GRIFS Griffin in Summer 2,551,746
COLAB The Collaboration 2,503,668
MTBAR Meet the Barbarians 2,259,541
PEACH Peaches 2,190,697
DNCFS Dance First 2,174,028
TAKMH Take My Hand 2,100,219
TBOWI The Ballad of Wallis Island 2,098,091
SEPRM Separate Rooms 2,030,317
IMSHR I’m Still Here 1,982,038
CBMA Casa Bonita Mi Amor! 1,957,251
JIMPA Jimpa 1,945,295
MIEPP Made In England: The Films Of Powell And Pressburger 1,896,106