Bring Him to HSX

MovieStock Changes for Oct 17, 2018

MovieStock Info Date
12OCBIPO Oct 17, 2018
12OCBTitle: 12 O’Clock Boys Oct 17, 2018
12OCBRelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
12OCBDistributor: Sony Oct 17, 2018
12OCBPhase: Production Oct 17, 2018
17BRDPhase: Development → Production Oct 17, 2018
AMUNDIPO Oct 17, 2018
AMUNDTitle: Amundsen Oct 17, 2018
AMUNDRelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
AMUNDDistributor: n/a Oct 17, 2018
AMUNDPhase: Wrap Oct 17, 2018
ANAB3Phase: Development → Production Oct 17, 2018
ANGR2Release: Sep 6, 2019 → Aug 16, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
APOSTDelist Oct 17, 2018
ASNATDelist Oct 17, 2018
ASTRARelease: Jan 11, 2019 → May 24, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
BBFOTRelease: n/a → Oct 19, 2018 Oct 17, 2018
BIGERPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
BLCBDPhase: Development → Production Oct 17, 2018
BTAERPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
BTFUBPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
CADVRTitle: The Possession of Hannah Grace aka Cadaver → The Possession of Hannah Grace Oct 17, 2018
DNILERelease: Dec 20, 2019 → Oct 2, 2020 Oct 17, 2018
ETRNLIPO Oct 17, 2018
ETRNLTitle: The Eternals Oct 17, 2018
ETRNLRelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
ETRNLDistributor: Walt Disney Oct 17, 2018
ETRNLPhase: Development Oct 17, 2018
FAIRBDistributor: n/a → Lionsgate Oct 17, 2018
FANISIPO Oct 17, 2018
FANISTitle: Fantasy Island Oct 17, 2018
FANISRelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
FANISDistributor: Sony Oct 17, 2018
FANISPhase: Development Oct 17, 2018
FH119Delist Oct 17, 2018
FIRSMPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
FNTHDIPO Oct 17, 2018
FNTHDTitle: The Fountainhead Oct 17, 2018
FNTHDRelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
FNTHDDistributor: Warner Bros. Oct 17, 2018
FNTHDPhase: Development Oct 17, 2018
GBUM2Phase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
HOTSNDelist Oct 17, 2018
HPWDRTitle: Hard Powder → Cold Pursuit aka Hard Powder Oct 17, 2018
HTYD3Phase: Production → Wrap Oct 17, 2018
HUMBPRelease: n/a → Mar 15, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
JNGLNPhase: Production → Wrap Oct 17, 2018
KNDGTDelist Oct 17, 2018
KWWBKRelease: Mar 1, 2019 → Jan 25, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
LIFISDelist Oct 17, 2018
MAINIPO Oct 17, 2018
MAINTitle: Maine Oct 17, 2018
MAINRelease: Dec 13, 2018 Oct 17, 2018
MAINDistributor: MGM Oct 17, 2018
MAINPhase: Wrap Oct 17, 2018
MISSBRelease: Jan 25, 2019 → Feb 1, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
NORWAPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
NTCONPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
OHMOBDistributor: Universal → n/a Oct 17, 2018
PUZLEDelist Oct 17, 2018
RHOUSDelist Oct 17, 2018
ROSIERelease: May 10, 2019 → n/a Oct 17, 2018
RRREDIPO Oct 17, 2018
RRREDTitle: River Runs Red Oct 17, 2018
RRREDRelease: Nov 9, 2018 Oct 17, 2018
RRREDDistributor: Cinedigm Oct 17, 2018
RRREDPhase: Wrap Oct 17, 2018
SLWKNPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
STUBRRelease: May 24, 2019 → Jul 12, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
STUBRPhase: Production → Wrap Oct 17, 2018
STUCRelease: Nov 16, 2018 → n/a Oct 17, 2018
SYNCHSymbol: TEOFF → SYNCH Oct 17, 2018
SYNCHTitle: The Education Of Fredrick Fitzell → Synchronic Oct 17, 2018
SYNCHPhase: Production → Development Oct 17, 2018
TCAPTDelist Oct 17, 2018
THPRNPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
THWCWDelist Oct 17, 2018
TLDRDIPO Oct 17, 2018
TLDRDTitle: The Long Dumb Road Oct 17, 2018
TLDRDRelease: Nov 9, 2018 Oct 17, 2018
TLDRDDistributor: Universal Oct 17, 2018
TLDRDPhase: Wrap Oct 17, 2018
TMAZERelease: Feb 1, 2019 → Jan 4, 2019 Oct 17, 2018
TNROMIPO Oct 17, 2018
TNROMTitle: The New Romantic Oct 17, 2018
TNROMRelease: Nov 9, 2018 Oct 17, 2018
TNROMDistributor: The Orchard Oct 17, 2018
TNROMPhase: Wrap Oct 17, 2018
TOATHPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 17, 2018
TONTOIPO Oct 17, 2018
TONTOTitle: El Tonto Oct 17, 2018
TONTORelease: n/a Oct 17, 2018
TONTODistributor: n/a Oct 17, 2018
TONTOPhase: Production Oct 17, 2018
TSLNCRelease: Dec 7, 2018 → n/a Oct 17, 2018