Bring Him to HSX

MovieStock Changes for Oct 3, 2018

MovieStock Info Date
21JS3Title: 23 Jump Street → 21 Jump Street spin-off aka 23 Jump Street Oct 3, 2018
2PT0IPO Oct 3, 2018
2PT0Title: 2.0 Oct 3, 2018
2PT0Release: Nov 30, 2018 Oct 3, 2018
2PT0Distributor: n/a Oct 3, 2018
2PT0Phase: Wrap Oct 3, 2018
ALITARelease: Dec 21, 2018 → Feb 14, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
ANINAPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
ANTLRPhase: Development → Production Oct 3, 2018
BADRPPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
BLC47Phase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
CHENYRelease: Dec 21, 2018 → Dec 25, 2018 Oct 3, 2018
DOCDORelease: Apr 12, 2019 → Jan 17, 2020 Oct 3, 2018
DWHWGDelist Oct 3, 2018
EVBDKRelease: n/a → Feb 8, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
GAMBIRelease: Jun 7, 2019 → Mar 13, 2020 Oct 3, 2018
GAUGNDelist Oct 3, 2018
GBTBRDelist Oct 3, 2018
HELFSPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
HTYD3Release: Mar 1, 2019 → Feb 22, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
KTSS3Title: Kingsman 3 → Kingsman 3 aka Untitled Kingsman Prequel Oct 3, 2018
LARRYIPO Oct 3, 2018
LARRYTitle: Larry Oct 3, 2018
LARRYRelease: n/a Oct 3, 2018
LARRYDistributor: Universal Oct 3, 2018
LARRYPhase: Development Oct 3, 2018
LASTCIPO Oct 3, 2018
LASTCTitle: Last Christmas Oct 3, 2018
LASTCRelease: n/a Oct 3, 2018
LASTCDistributor: Universal Oct 3, 2018
LASTCPhase: Development Oct 3, 2018
LITLERelease: Sep 20, 2019 → Apr 12, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
LITLEPhase: Development → Production Oct 3, 2018
LITWMPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
LUCILDistributor: n/a → Amazon Oct 3, 2018
MMMIATitle: Matangi Maya M.I.A. → Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. Oct 3, 2018
MMMIAPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
MONMNPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
MONTHIPO Oct 3, 2018
MONTHTitle: Monster on the Hill Oct 3, 2018
MONTHRelease: Aug 7, 2020 Oct 3, 2018
MONTHDistributor: Paramount Oct 3, 2018
MONTHPhase: Production Oct 3, 2018
MSLNKRelease: Apr 19, 2019 → Apr 12, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
NARN4Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair → The Chronicles of Narnia Oct 3, 2018
NARN4Distributor: Sony → n/a Oct 3, 2018
NTSCHPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
OMATGTitle: The Old Man and the Gun → The Old Man & the Gun Oct 3, 2018
OMATGPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
POORBDelist Oct 3, 2018
PPRMNDelist Oct 3, 2018
PTRLORelease: Nov 9, 2018 → Apr 5, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
RAMB5Phase: Development → Production Oct 3, 2018
SHAWEDelist Oct 3, 2018
SIBERDelist Oct 3, 2018
SMLFTPhase: Wrap → Release Oct 3, 2018
TDODLIPO Oct 3, 2018
TDODLTitle: The Death of Dick Long Oct 3, 2018
TDODLRelease: n/a Oct 3, 2018
TDODLDistributor: A24 Oct 3, 2018
TDODLPhase: Wrap Oct 3, 2018
THNUNDelist Oct 3, 2018
TLTHWIPO Oct 3, 2018
TLTHWTitle: The Last Thing He Wanted Oct 3, 2018
TLTHWRelease: n/a Oct 3, 2018
TLTHWDistributor: n/a Oct 3, 2018
TLTHWPhase: Wrap Oct 3, 2018
TMULERelease: n/a → Dec 14, 2018 Oct 3, 2018
TMULEPhase: Production → Wrap Oct 3, 2018
WASPNSymbol: NMFR2 → WASPN Oct 3, 2018
WASPNTitle: No Manches Frida 2 → Wasp Network Oct 3, 2018
WASPNRelease: First Quarter 2019 → n/a Oct 3, 2018
WASPNDistributor: Lionsgate → n/a Oct 3, 2018
WASPNPhase: Wrap → Development Oct 3, 2018
WICK3Phase: Production → Wrap Oct 3, 2018
WOBRWIPO Oct 3, 2018
WOBRWTitle: Words on Bathroom Walls Oct 3, 2018
WOBRWRelease: n/a Oct 3, 2018
WOBRWDistributor: LD Entertainment Oct 3, 2018
WOBRWPhase: Wrap Oct 3, 2018
XMEN7Release: Feb 14, 2019 → Jun 7, 2019 Oct 3, 2018
YAMFRTitle: You Are My Friend → You Are My Friend aka Untitled Mr. Rogers Oct 3, 2018
YAMFRPhase: Development → Production Oct 3, 2018