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MovieStock Changes for Jan 24, 2018

MovieStock Info Date
3WAVETitle: The Cured aka The Third Wave → The Cured Jan 24, 2018
8THGRRelease: n/a → 2018 Jan 24, 2018
ADRFTRelease: n/a → Jun 1, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
ADRFTPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
ALADNPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
AMANMDistributor: n/a → The Orchard Jan 24, 2018
AMEXPTitle: Gringo aka American Express → Gringo Jan 24, 2018
ASNATDistributor: n/a → Neon Jan 24, 2018
ATMIWDelist Jan 24, 2018
AWLIEDistributor: n/a → Sony Jan 24, 2018
BARBIRelease: Aug 8, 2018 → May 8, 2020 Jan 24, 2018
BLDIMDelist Jan 24, 2018
BNDREDistributor: n/a → Sony Pictures Classics Jan 24, 2018
BTCRKDelist Jan 24, 2018
BVSMCTitle: Borg/McEnroe aka Borg vs McEnroe → Borg vs McEnroe aka Borg/McEnroe Jan 24, 2018
CADVRRelease: Aug 24, 2018 → n/a Jan 24, 2018
CMBYNRelease: Nov 24, 2017 → Jan 19, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
COLETDistributor: n/a → Bleecker Street Jan 24, 2018
DBLVRIPO Jan 24, 2018
DBLVRTitle: Double Lover Jan 24, 2018
DBLVRRelease: Feb 14, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
DBLVRDistributor: Cohen Media Group Jan 24, 2018
DBLVRPhase: Wrap Jan 24, 2018
DENOTPhase: Wrap → Release Jan 24, 2018
DRMLDIPO Jan 24, 2018
DRMLDTitle: Dreamland Jan 24, 2018
DRMLDRelease: n/a Jan 24, 2018
DRMLDDistributor: n/a Jan 24, 2018
DRMLDPhase: Wrap Jan 24, 2018
DUMPLPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
FMGRLPhase: Wrap → Release Jan 24, 2018
GNALNRelease: February 2018 → Mar 2, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
GODMODelist Jan 24, 2018
GODPTTitle: Cloverfield Movie aka God Particle → Cloverfield Station aka God Particle Jan 24, 2018
HERDTRelease: n/a → 2018 Jan 24, 2018
HLMWTRelease: Nov 9, 2018 → Dec 21, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
HMINVDelist Jan 24, 2018
HORSOTitle: 12 Strong: The Declassified True Story Of The Horse Soldiers → 12 Strong Jan 24, 2018
HORSOPhase: Wrap → Release Jan 24, 2018
IRISHPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
LFFLYDelist Jan 24, 2018
LNTRCIPO Jan 24, 2018
LNTRCTitle: Leave No Trace Jan 24, 2018
LNTRCRelease: n/a Jan 24, 2018
LNTRCDistributor: n/a Jan 24, 2018
LNTRCPhase: Wrap Jan 24, 2018
MATWFPhase: Wrap → Release Jan 24, 2018
MFDAHDelist Jan 24, 2018
MIB4Release: May 17, 2019 → Jun 14, 2019 Jan 24, 2018
MISS6Phase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
MMGDLRelease: Mar 30, 2018 → 2018 Jan 24, 2018
NTCHBRelease: Mar 9, 2018 → 2018 Jan 24, 2018
OIVANIPO Jan 24, 2018
OIVANTitle: The One and Only Ivan Jan 24, 2018
OIVANRelease: n/a Jan 24, 2018
OIVANDistributor: Walt Disney Jan 24, 2018
OIVANPhase: Development Jan 24, 2018
OLIVRDistributor: Sony → Walt Disney Jan 24, 2018
OVERBRelease: Apr 20, 2018 → Apr 13, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
PHTHDRelease: Dec 25, 2017 → Jan 19, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
PIKACPhase: Development → Production Jan 24, 2018
PNDASIPO Jan 24, 2018
PNDASTitle: Pandas Jan 24, 2018
PNDASRelease: Apr 6, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
PNDASDistributor: Warner Bros. Jan 24, 2018
PNDASPhase: Wrap Jan 24, 2018
RPLICRelease: n/a → Aug 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
SARCHDistributor: n/a → Sony Jan 24, 2018
SHAZMPhase: Development → Production Jan 24, 2018
SLNDRRelease: May 18, 2018 → Aug 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
SPONIIPO Jan 24, 2018
SPONITitle: Snow Ponies Jan 24, 2018
SPONIRelease: n/a Jan 24, 2018
SPONIDistributor: n/a Jan 24, 2018
SPONIPhase: Development Jan 24, 2018
STEMTitle: Stem → Upgrade aka Stem Jan 24, 2018
STEMRelease: n/a → Jun 1, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
STEMDistributor: n/a → High Top Releasing Jan 24, 2018
STPSSDelist Jan 24, 2018
SWTCNIPO Jan 24, 2018
SWTCNTitle: Sweet Country Jan 24, 2018
SWTCNRelease: Mar 16, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
SWTCNDistributor: Samuel Goldwyn Jan 24, 2018
SWTCNPhase: Wrap Jan 24, 2018
TBBUMPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
TGRL2Release: Oct 19, 2018 → Nov 9, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
TONYARelease: Dec 8, 2017 → Jan 19, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
UDREWPhase: Production → Wrap Jan 24, 2018
WARGPRelease: Feb 23, 2018 → 2018 Jan 24, 2018